These scammers send a random text message to an unknown person sharing a good part time job opportunity. Then they ask to continue the conversation on WhatsApp because they can’t know the recipient information from the text message but WhatsApp shares full profile with the scammer.
These scammers have the following purposes. Don’t do any of the following. And ignore them at the very first time.
- At some point extract money from you in the name of training, security check, document verification etc.
- Ask you to click on a link and then hack your phone or laptop.
- Collect your personal information for a bigger fraud.
How to find if this is a scam?
- Their company address is a fake address. Use Google Maps and see if that company is listed there or not.
- Their web site domain is registered within a week or so. Visit to see when the domain was registered?
- This scammer will not communicate through the company email address, because this could expose their IP address that could be anywhere but not in the US or the country where the employment is offered.
They operate like this. The same person would send a following type text on your phone and then ask to continue the conversation with someone else over the WhatsApp. Since, WhatsApp does not verify scammers but you have all information there making it easy for the scammer to get hold of your WhatsApp information.
“My name is Emilia from Mantal We have an opening that might be a perfect fit for you. Can I share the details?
We are offering on line roles that take 30-60 minutes and earn 100-300, paid daily. Required Citizens of the U.S. or PR and age 22 years or over. “
Alright, the person in charge will send the details to your WA app (your phone number)as soon as possible, please pay attention,
What are the scammer phone numbers and website?
There are two phone numbers reported so far: (213) 329 9602 WhatsApp profile shows the name of the person as Zoe, but no one knows who that person is.
Another phone number is 270-267-9566, that is mainly used for text messaging.
The website these scammers are using is: , which was registered in August 2024.
Don’t fall prey to any WhatsApp scam for employment. Don’t respond to a call that you did not initiate. Don’t send any money, any personal information. And don’t click on any link. Don’t open any sent PDF, DOCX files.
Stay safe. Stay away from these scammers.