4 thoughts on “Conference scam from iswfoundation.org and denisecarrerahotel.com

  • The same invite i have also received too. I went out to check their site and their half information about their origin raised some doubts.
    Way to find out:
    – look out for their social media accounts
    – work not mentioned in details
    – origin of organisation not mentioned
    – past work and its influence
    – will always provide shorter date to deposit money

  • Dear my name,

    Thanks for your email response to register for the international conference meeting on the Global Crisis, Economic Growth, Agricultural Development, and Humanitarian Health Care System. The venue for the conference meeting is Amevi Randolph Hotel in Dallas, Texas, USA and the scheduled date for the event is March 23rd – 28th, 2020. Our organization is responsible for your visa application processing and also your air tickets from your country to the USA and back to your country.

    The theme of the conference is to help our society to:

    1) Review the progress and challenges towards implementation of the global agenda on healthcare, agriculture and global economic research.
    2) Identify and discuss the approaches to strengthen the science of economic systems research including concepts, frameworks, measures, and methods.
    3) Facilitate greater research collaboration and learning communities across disciplines, sectors, initiatives, and countries.

    The main topics of the event are Global Crisis, Economic Growth, Agricultural Development, and Humanitarian Health Care System related to the issues of economic crisis and the healthcare system as it affects our communities and social lives. Your paper presentation should be on the conference topics and theme. We shall award participation certificates to representatives at the end of the event.

    You can extend the invitation to other persons in your organization or your country to register for the event. Your visa documents processing and air tickets are covered by our organization. We shall complete your registration immediately we receive your filled registration forms and your hotel booking confirmation receipt.

    Attached are the registration forms which you are to fill and submit with your hotel booking receipt to complete your registration for the conference. We shall send you an official invitation letter after the confirmation of your registration for the conference; we shall also send a copy of the invitation letter to the America embassy in your country for your visa processing. The deadline date for you to submit the filled registration forms and your hotel booking receipt is January 9th, 2020, to complete your registration processing for the event so that we can start your visa application processing with the America embassy. Be informed that you are responsible and to pay for your hotel booking to secure your accommodation with the selected hotel management. Therefore, you have to contact the hotel management with the below email address for hotel booking processing.

    Please note that accommodation outside the recommended hotel is not allowed for registration. All participants are to stay in the recommended hotel because the hotel is the event venue and to avoid the delay of participants arriving at the event venue for presentation.

    Amevi Randolph Hotel
    Hotel E-mail : booking@amevirandolphhotel.com

    It is an honor to see you participate in this great event and we fully hope to see you at the conference venue.

    Please visit our website for more information: https://www.gsworganization.org

    Best Regards,

    This is what was sent to me. I guess it is a scam, right?

  • “BEWARE” new scam from same people!!

    Dear Delegates,
    We are extremely excited to invite you as a delegate to attend the GSWO international conference on global crisis, economic growth, agricultural development, and humanitarian health care system. We invite you to a memorable 6 days experience from the 23rd to 28th March 2020, the venue for the event is Amevi Randolph Hotel Texas, USA. The event sponsors shall assist delegates with visa application processing and the air round trip tickets. We shall send you more information for registration processing immediately after we receive your response of interest.

    I look forward to your honorable presence at the conference venue,
    Warm Regards

    Ms. Karen Lawrence

    GSWO Program Purchasing Manager

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