DHS OIG hotline telephone number has been used in scam to obtain personally identifiable information. The perpetrators of the scam represent themselves as employees with “U.S. Immigration” and can alter caller ID systems to make it appear that the call is coming from the DHS OIG Hotline telephone number (1-800-323-8603). Stay safe using the following CDSBureau recommendations.
More info about the scam is available here:
CDSBureau recommends the following rules of any telephonic conversation:
- NEVER give any personal or sensitive information to anyone over the phone, if you did not initiate the call. Ask the caller that you’ll call back. And NEVER call back using the number that the caller provided.
- Use the number in your phone book instead and ask the representative if they initiated the call.
- NEVER discuss sensitive information over the phone. Other person might record it and misuse it.
Take precaution and stay safe!
Note: CDSBureau is not affiliated with DHS OIG. We are spreading the word to create fraud awareness and save innocent people.