This post is about the free conference and free travel scam. CDSBureau has identified many fake organization sites and many hotel sites that are involved in fake conference scam and luring people using free travel and free conference offer. They will ask you to book a hotel and send hotel money. That hotel, organization, and all setup are fake.
Stay away from the following hotels / conferences and organization sites and don’t give any personal information or send money to them.
- VERTEX DALLAS HOTEL ( – This hotel does not exist. Site has no physical address. This site is fake.
- PHILIP ROYAL HOTEL, FRANCE ( – This hotel does not exist. Its address (Rue 116 X 117 Boulevard Saint-Germain ) is fake / does not exist . Its phone number is a mobile number which is: +33 757 909 047. It can ring anywhere. Hotels have land lines not mobile numbers. Its domain was created in March 2019. site is fake and has stolen pictures from Westin Grand Frankfurt and other hotel sites .
- (Sustainable Development of Human Rights) – This is a fake organization.
A CDSBureau user reported the following:
“An email is coming from Prof. Robert Branson, SDHR Registrar Office, Texas, USA Address: 1312 Jackson St. Dallas, TX 75202, USA. Tel: 2143770509. They are sending out notices about a Conference on 2019 International global combine conference on Economic Development, Human Violence, Raping of Young Girls and Human Trafficking taking place in Paris, France between 18th to 2nd November, 2019 and second leg of the Conference to be in Dallas, Texas, USA between 25th to 29th November, 2019. The email is circulated by Kate Morris You are to email your registration to They are in collaboration with some hotels or their staff members. In Dallas it is VERTEX DALLAS HOTEL AND IN FRANCE IT IS PHILIP ROYAL HOTEL, FRANCE And the individuals connected with the hotel are: Jose Alberto with phone number 33757909047 and money sent for booking must be by western union or some other transfer and not to the hotel but an individual named JESSY JOHNSON.”
DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY or SHARE your personal information . They are only after your money. Same phone number 972 591 8183 has been used on many fake hotel sites like: Dallas Valentino Hotel, Vertex Dallas Hotel, and Western Suites PA Hotel. It is a VOIP (voice over internet) phone that rings at the scammers office.
If you have been a victim of this scam, help others by sharing your story as a comment here or contact us.
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This discount zone inc is using stolen Carsti card details to pay your bills
At one stage you will receive bill payment cleared also
But in few days it will revert your payment.
So now if you have paid this scammer 50% amount as cash deposit. That money is gone.
You can not claim back your money.
Banks also helpless
So be aware and don’t get trapped.
don’t be part of the scam.
They are operating in USA, CANADA EUROPE, SOUTH AFRICA, AUSTRALIA, New Zealand and other countries.
People get aware and stop this scammer